Taiwagura YukinoMatsushima Junmai Hiyaoroshi 720ml

Taiwagura YukinoMatsushima Junmai Hiyaoroshi 720ml
Taiwagura YukinoMatsushima Junmai Hiyaoroshi 720ml

Taiwagura YukinoMatsushima Junmai Hiyaoroshi 720ml

正常价格 $45.60
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Alcohol Volume : 15%

Rice : Miyagi prefecture rice 
Polish : 60%

SMV : 1
Acidity : 1.7
Yeast : Yeast Association 901
Squeezing Method : Yabuta Method 
Pasteurised : 

Point :
Food Pairing : Salt grilled Pacific saury, Yakitori

Sake description :
Taiwagura YukinoMatsushima Junmai Hiyaoroshi 720ml

Delivering pure rice sake made with rice from Miyagi Prefecture as "Hiyaoroshi" sake. Please enjoy the firm "ride of taste" unique to tank storage. The design is based on the motif of Entsu-in Temple, which is one of the three most scenic spots in Japan, Matsushima, and is also a famous spot for autumn leaves.

If you warm it to around 40°C, you can enjoy the sweet and sour aroma and the rich, mellow flavour.

【雪の松島 純米ひやおろし】

