中野酒造 | 大分県
Nakano Brewery
Founded in 1832. Premium Sake Brewery in Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture.

About Yamagata Prefecture

Oita Prefecture, located on the island of Kyushu, unfolds as a tapestry of natural wonders and cultural treasures. Nestled along the eastern coast of the island, Oita's name, derived from the kanji characters meaning "big rice paddies," paints a picture of its lush landscapes and fertile plains.

Renowned for its geothermal activity, Oita is home to the celebrated hot spring resort town of Beppu, boasting a myriad of bathhouses, each with its unique therapeutic properties. The iconic Hells of Beppu, a collection of stunning hot springs with vibrant hues, add a surreal touch to the prefecture's natural allure.

Oita's culinary scene is equally captivating, featuring specialties like toriten (tempura chicken) and the region's own variant of the popular Japanese dish, "champon." The prefecture also takes pride in its sake production, with local breweries crafting distinct flavors influenced by the pure waters sourced from Oita's mountainous terrain.

Culturally, Oita is home to Usa Jingu, one of Japan's most significant Shinto shrines, and the historic Usuki Stone Buddhas, ancient stone-carved statues surrounded by an air of mystery and serenity. The prefecture's commitment to the arts is evident in events like the Beppu Contemporary Art Festival, showcasing modern expressions against the backdrop of Oita's traditional charm.

As Oita embraces its position as a gateway to Kyushu, the prefecture offers a harmonious blend of rejuvenating natural retreats, culinary delights, and cultural experiences, making it a destination where tradition and modernity coalesce seamlessly.

About Chiebijin

Established in 1832, Tatenokawa Brewery is located in Sakata City, Yamagata prefecture, the only city in Japan with the character for "sake".

Brewing solely Junmai DaiginjoSake, we polish the rice in-house and source specially cultivated sake rice with fewer than 50% of the pesticides/chemical fertilizers of conventional cultivation.

Committed to promoting local agriculture, we contract with local rice farmers and strive to expand rice consumption through our sake.

With high-quality soft water from Chokai, Gassan, Yudono mountains and superior sake rice from the Shonai Rice Farm, we craft sake that captures sweetness of the rice.

A world-leading sake brand committed to balancing sustainability with innovation.

    Sake Online (Daiwa Food Pty Ltd) is Australia's official importer and distributor of Nakano (Chiebijin) Sake.
    16% | 大分県
    中野智美人纯麦Premium 720ml
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    16.0% |纯米吟醸
    中野智美人纯米银城山田锦 720ml
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    中野智美人纯米大吟酿山田锦 720ml
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    中野酒造纯米银城 URA CHIEBIJIN 折纸 720ml
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    9% |大分県
    Nakao CHIEBIJIN 柠檬茶酒 720ml
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    16% | 大分県
    Chiebijin JunmaiGinjo Seijuku Namazake Hattan Nishiki 720ml
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    15% | 大分県
    Chiebijin Kimoto Junmai Ichidohire 720ml (HOT SAKE)
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    中野智美人纯米银酒 720ml
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    Nakano Chiebijin Junmai Ginjo Yamada Nishiki 1.8L |只取
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    ❄️ 只取
    Nakano Chiebijin Junmai Daiginjo Yamada Nishiki 1.8L |只取
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    中野智美人纯麦Premium 1.8L |只取
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    15% | 大分県
    Chiebijin Kimoto Junmai Ichidohire 1.8L | PICK UP ONLY
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    Chiebijin Junmai Daiginjo Suisei Origarami Namazake 720ml
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    Chiebijin Hattannishiki Tokubetsu Junmai Namazake 720ml
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    The Choya Golden Ume Fruit Umeshu 日本梅子酒利口酒 650mL
    チョーヤ | Choya
    Umenoyado Aragoshi Yuzu Liqueur 720ml
    梅乃宿 | Umenoyado
    16% | 大分県
    中野智美人纯麦Premium 720ml
    中野酒造 | Nakano Shuzo
    16.0% |纯米吟醸
    雪之坊纯米银酒 720ml
    齋彌酒造 | Saiya Shuzou
    15% | 山形県
    Tatenokawa Junmai Daiginjo Super Dry 720ml
    楯野川酒造 | Tatenokawa Shuzo