Alcohol Volume : 16%
Rice : Yamada NishikiPolish : 45%
SMV : ±0
Squeezing Method : Yabuta Method
Pasteurised :
Point :
Food Pairing : Sakura shrimp, tempura, salt-grilled swordfish.
Nakao Brewery of Hiroshima Prefecture crafts the highly-acclaimed Junmai Daiginjo Maboroshi Red Box with meticulous care. Served for three years in a row as "Imperial New Year sake," this delectable Daiginjo features a measure of ±0 to create a slight sweetness, differing from other breweries. It contains native apple yeast adding a pleasant sweetness to its aroma and fully-developed flavour, resulting in a truly delicious and unique sake.
The brewery's ultimate gem, “Maboroshi”, brewed one by one by hand. A must-try!
2015年の4月のオバマ大統領来日中に高級料理店「銀座すきばやし二郎」で会食が行われたことは皆さんよくご存知と思います。では、あの有名店で長年定番酒とし提供され続けている誠鏡 純米大吟醸まぼろし赤箱というお酒はご存知でしょうか?
吟醸酒は香りのお酒と思われていますが、誠鏡 純米大吟醸まぼろし赤箱は香りだけでなく、旨口(甘口)のお米の味も感じて頂ける特別なお酒です。
From the Producer & Sake Ojisan

中尾酒造 | Nakao Jozo
Sake Spec's
Ingredients :
Rice :
Yeast :
Rice Polishing Ratio :
Alcohol Volume :
Standard Drinks :
Squeezing method :
Sake Meter Value :
Acidity :
Serving Temperature :
Recommended Pairing :