Basic is a lineup of sake brewed completely by hand to be the royal road of TATENOKAWA. It is brewed mainly with Dewasansan and Miyamanishiki, both of which are grown with less agricultural chemicals and less chemical fertilizers by contract farmers in Shonai.
The sake is brewed without eccentricity, aiming to be a sake that follows the main road, which is delicious not only with Shonai's local cuisine, but also with common Japanese food such as Sushi, Tempura, Kaiseki (" Japanese traditional cuisine "), and fish dishes, or to support the flavor of the dishes. The lineup is designed for casual, elegant, and gorgeous dining scenes, so please don't expect any aromatic impact, gas, or strong sweetness.
However, it is brewed using the same methods as the high-class products, such as in-house rice polishing, limited water absorption, koji making using original koji boxes, low temperature long-term unrefined sake, and rapid sterilization and cooling using plate heaters, so you will be able to see a glimpse of these methods.
Sato Jumpei(6th Generation Brewer)