The Uniqueness of Kochi Sake

What Makes Kochi Sake Special?


Producing sake in Kochi is challenging, as the climate is quite warm and humid. But for that very reason, the breweries in this region have had to refine their techniques and learn how to closely control the brewing process, resulting in high-quality sake that brims with originality and brewers who are always up for a new challenge.


Kochi breweries also have access to some of the purest water in the country. Breweries in the mountains use the crystal clear water from the Shimanto and Niyodo rivers. The rice used to make sake has been specially created and cultivated to suit the humid climate, adding another level of Kochi-specific adjustments. Combining these two components, each brewery then adds their own special techniques and skills that have been passed down for generations to produce top quality sake.



   Niyodo River

Kochi is also famous for bold experimentation with sake yeast. In 1990s, Kochi started achieving recognition in the sake world for its innovation with ginjo yeast. The Kochi Sake Research Institute went as far as sending a yeast into outer space to see how it would be affected (and even made sake with it!).


All Kochi Made Nama Genshu Sake


The Kameizumi Sake Brewery, located in Tosa, Kochi Prefecture, was founded in 1897 by 11 sake-loving volunteers. Since its establishment, sake has been made from water from a spring called 'Mannen no Izumi', which has never run dry, no matter what drought has occurred since the Edo period. This soft spring water from the clear Niyodo River system continues to spring up from the depths of the earth at the waterhole in the brewery and supports the brewing of Kameizumi sake with its subtle sweetness and gentle taste. 

位于高知县土佐的龟泉清酒酿酒厂,由11名热爱清酒的志愿者于1897年创立。清酒自创立以来一直使用一种名为“万年泉”(Mannen no Izumi)的泉水酿造,自江户时代以来,无论发生什么旱灾,这种泉水都从未干涸过。仁淀川水系清澈柔和的泉水,源源不断地从地下深处涌出,以其微妙的甜度和柔和的口感支撑着龟泉清酒的酿造。

Kameizumi Junmai Ginjo Genshu Kouiku No.63 is a sake showcases the terroir of Kochi prefecture with the rice, water, and yeast that are all native to Kochi. Slow fermentation at low temperatures results in the fruit forward aromas. The yeast used is one the special Kochi yeasts, a type called AA41 that has a tendency to produce Isoamyl acetate, the source of the wonderful melon and banana aromas often present in ginjo sake. Soft and mellow, this sake pairs beautifully with sushi and sashimi.

龟泉纯米吟醸原酒 高育 63是一款用高知县特有的大米、水和酵母酿造,展示出高知县风土的清酒。在低温下缓慢发酵会使水果香气前移。酵母使用的是产自高知的被称为AA41特殊酵母,它有产生醋酸异戊酯的趋势,这是银曲清酒中常见的美妙的甜瓜和香蕉香味的来源。柔和醇厚,与寿司和生鱼片完美搭配哦!

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