Nishiyama Kotsuzumi Tokubetsu Junmai: Sake That Leaves You Yearning for More

About Nishiyama Brewery

Nishiyama Brewery, which was established in 1849, is located in the middle of a mountain range in the Hyogo prefecture. The name "Kotsuzumi" came from a famous poet, Kyoshi Takahama, who tasted some of the Nishiyama Sake and described it, in a poem, as like a kotsuzumi, a "beautiful ancient small hand drum."

One of the first things you notice about a bottle of Kotsuzumi is the striking labels. All their Labels are designed by respected artist Hirosuke Watanuki, an artist with international acclaim. According to Kotsuzumi’s Toji, Nishiyama brews in small batches all year round to maintain consistency and freshness.

Nishiyama Kotsuzumi Tokubetsu Junmai

This Tokubetsu Junmai is made with a local, rare rice called Hyogo Kita Nishiki and the rice was milled down to 65%. With Sake Meter Value of +9, it tends to be on the drier side.

This sake has a subdued aroma, an intriguing whiff of steamed rice combined with nutty elements. On the palate, it was very dry, crisp and full bodied with a pleasant blend of flavors, including marshmallow, almonds, and caramel. The finish is pleasing and fairly long, and leaves you yearning for more. Over the course of the evening, you might find yourself finishing the whole bottle (especially of you have company!)

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