Alcohol Volume : 15%
Rice : Kameno O
Polish : 50%
SMV : -1
Acidity : 1.4
Yeast : Yamagata KA
Squeezing Method : Undisclosed
Pasteurised : Unpasteurised
Point :
Food Pairing : Teriyaki Chicken, Kabayaki saury
Sake description :
This rare Kame-no-o is a variety of table rice that was discovered in 1893 by Kameji Abe, an farmer in today's Shonai Town, and due to its rarity also known as the " Phantom Rice ". We draw from the region's rich history of agricultural breeding, producing exceptional sake to carry on this legacy. Our logo is the perfect blend of the Genji wheel, the crest of the brewer's family, and the shield, representing our commitment to protecting the inheritance. A luxurious sake featuring a mild sweetness and soft acidity that does not linger, it pairs well with rich, flavorful dishes without the sweetness overpowering the cuisine.
「亀の尾(かめのお)」は、1893年(明治26年)に、 現在の庄内町の篤農家阿部亀治によって発見された、"幻の酒米"と称される品種です。
その「亀の尾」を使用し、楯の川酒造の創業当時に行われていた、汲み水を詰める(仕込みの際に使用する水の割合を減らす)という、 特殊な仕込み配合で醸しました。

楯野川酒造 | Tatenokawa Shuzo
Sake Spec's
Ingredients :
Rice :
Yeast :
Rice Polishing Ratio :
Alcohol Volume :
Standard Drinks :
Squeezing method :
Sake Meter Value :
Acidity :
Serving Temperature :
Recommended Pairing :