Kaetsu Kanbara Junmai Ginjo Bride of the Fox 720ml

Kaetsu Kanbara Junmai Ginjo Bride of the Fox 720ml

Kaetsu Kanbara Junmai Ginjo Bride of the Fox 720ml

正常价格 $58.90 销售价格 $45.00 保存24%
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Alcohol Volume: 16.5%

Rice: Gohyaku Mangoku
Polish: 50%

SMV: +3 
Acidity: 1.4
Yeast: In-house yeast
Squeezing Method: Yabuta 
Pasteurised: Two time pasteurised 

Food Parring: Yakitori, Salmon steak, Hamburg steak 

Sake description:
This savory sake is inspired by local legends of Niigata's annual fox-bride festival. Local lore tells of mysterious lights that appeared on nearby Mt. Kirin in the distant past, which are claimed to be the lanterns carried in the fox-bride procession. With a 50% polishing rate, this sake could technically qualify as a Junmai Daiginjo, but the savory notes and food pairing versatility identify more with the style expected from Junmai Ginjo.

この風味豊かなお酒は、新潟で毎年行われる狐の花嫁祭りの地元の伝説にインスピレーションを得たものです。地元の言い伝えによると、遠い昔、近くの麒麟山に現れた不思議な光は、狐の嫁入り行列で運ばれた灯籠だと言われています。精米歩合が 50% のこの酒は、厳密には純米大吟醸と言えますが、風味豊かな香りと料理との組み合わせの多様性は、純米吟醸に期待されるスタイルによりよく当てはまります。