Premium Umeshu


Here at Sake Online, we carefully select a wide range of Umeshu from all over Japan and deliver it to your doorstep at your comfort. With the strong demand, we have opened up Premium Sake Category to introduce you to legendary micro-breweries, limited-edition bottles and hidden jem like no other.
Premium Umeshu
    20% |和歌山県
    中野 BC 红南子 720ml
    中野 BC | Nakano BC
    CHOYA Premium Umeshu 720ml
    チョーヤ | Choya
    Choya Umeshu 黄金版 500ml
    チョーヤ | Choya
    CHOYA Utage Aged 5 Years 700ml
    チョーヤ | Choya
    15% | 大阪府
    Choya 3 年陈酿 720ml
    チョーヤ | Choya
    [LIMITED] CHOYA Ice Nouveau '24 720ml
    チョーヤ | Choya