Eikun Junmai Ginjo Omachi 720ml

Eikun Junmai Ginjo Omachi 720ml

Eikun Junmai Ginjo Omachi 720ml

通常価格 $60.00
  • Secure payments
  • 在庫あり、発送準備完了
  • 途中の在庫
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Sake Online Alexandria (NSW)で受け取り可能


Alcohol Volume : 15%

Rice : Bizen Omachi
Polish : 55%

SMV : +0
Acidity : 2.1
Yeast : Shizuoka Yeast CA-50
Squeezing Method : Yabuta Method
Pasteurised : One Time Pasteurised

Point : A gorgeous flavor and a subtle acidity that tightens the aftertaste
Food Pairing : Squid, shellfish, marinades, cheese.

Sake description :
This Junmai Ginjo Daidai (Orange) Omachi 720ml is crafted with the Shizuoka yeast CA 50, which imparts aromas of grapes and pineapple. It is best enjoyed with asparagus, boiled chicken and dishes cooked in soy sauce and sugar.

この純米吟醸 橙(オレンジ)雄町 720ml は、静岡酵母 CA 50 を使用し、ブドウやパイナップルの香りを与えます。アスパラガス、茹でた鶏肉、醤油と砂糖で煮た料理と一緒に楽しむのが最適です。