Alcohol Volume : 15%
Rice : Soubei Wase
Polish : 50%
SMV : -1
Acidity : 1.4
Yeast : Yamagata KA
Squeezing Method : Undisclosed
Pasteurised :
Point :
Food Pairing : Boiled Autumn vegeables, tomato soup stock, beef stew with tomatoes
Sake description :
This rare Soubei Wase is a native variety of sake rice that is a parent rice of "Kameno O" and called phantom sake rice due to its weakness to pesticide. Our logo is the perfect blend of the Genji wheel, the crest of the brewer's family, and the shield, representing our commitment to protecting the inheritance. A deep flavour profile characterised by the combination of fresh tropical fruits, sweet steamed rice aromas, and supple acidity. Its mellow flavour and long finish leave no lingering aftertaste, allowing for a consistent and complex taste with every sip.
「惣兵衛早生(そうべえわせ)」は、 "幻の酒米"と称される「亀の尾(かめのお)」の親にあたる山形県庄内地方の在来品種で、 現在では亀の尾以上に希少な存在となっております。

楯野川酒造 | Tatenokawa Shuzo
Sake Spec's
Ingredients :
Rice :
Yeast :
Rice Polishing Ratio :
Alcohol Volume :
Standard Drinks :
Squeezing method :
Sake Meter Value :
Acidity :
Serving Temperature :
Recommended Pairing :